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Wednesday, March 30, 2011

[Scrap] Control and Accident: Images of Thought in the Age of Cybernetics by Jussi Parikka

Mar 30 2011 8:56 pm
Foot note [5] ; The abstract machine is a diagrammatic plane of piloting that according to Deleuze and Guattari is not a representation of the real, but constructs the real. Yet, it is not an infrastructure nor a transcendental idea (Deleuze & Guattari, 1987, p.142). It is immanent to its actualizations.

Mar 30 2011 9:06 pm
"(Deleuzian) Control societies as highways : you can drive freely on the highways as much as you like and experience the liberty of it, but still you are continuously following the routes and plans of organization that keep you on the road."

Mar 30 2011 11:15 pm
각주놀이 2 ; ADHD… for Adults not for children

Foot note [4] ;
Perhaps we are approaching the question of why such neural disorders are a crucial issue on the biopolitical agenda. Shannon E. Lowe (2002) has analyzed attention deficit disorders as inherently connected to issues of contemporary culture. According to her, the diagnosis of AD/HD (Attention Deficit / Hyperactivity Disorder) as such a key cultural problem is telling of the new ways of conceptualizing the subjectivity and the body of the human. AD/HD is often seen as a lacking capability to focus on tasks that are defined as boring and repetitious. Most often the focus is on children, who are able to stand still and who have something that is referred to as “lack of self-control.” The syndrome is understood as a lack of organization in the patient’s brain, where the “lack” has also been visualized and localized to the right pre-frontal cortex. Lowe analyses this diagnosis of lack and problematization of hyperactivity as a product of the novel machines of subjectification of contemporary culture, which aim not merely to control the body (as in disciplinary societies analyzed by Foucault) but also the mind/brain. Aptly Lowe writes about the externalization of the brain with medicaments. For example, Ritalin is one such medicine that is used to slow down the excessive movement within the brain. In addition, stimulants are used to accelerate the brain.

Mar 30 2011 11:19 pm
각주놀이 3 ; the essence of technology is to break-down: machines are defined “by their failure to fulfill their tasks"

Foot note [13] ;This is furthermore emphasized by Trond Lundemo (2003, p.13) who argues that the essence of technology is to break-down: machines are defined “by their failure to fulfill their tasks.” Time-based media, namely computers and cinema, are haunted by the accident of erasure of information. With computers this is made visible by computer viruses and the effects they impose. In this sense they are the “general accidents”, demonstrating the inherent Turing principle of also modern day computers. In addition, also cinema is an art of breaking-up, not just in the form of film cans decomposing over the years, but by its very essence, demonstrating the technological ontology of accidents we live by. Films are by definition cut-ups, dedecompositions and recompositions: “The movement of the film image is frozen, speeded up, has amendments added to it and departs from the realm of the analogue. The image does not just store and transmit objects, but render things subject to interaction and manipulation at will.” (Ibid., p.26)

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

"덕"이란 이리도 곤란한 문제란 말인가?

Mar 23 2011 11:59 pm

"Even the thief is shamed when confronted with sleep: he always steal softly through the night. But shameless is the night-watchman, shamelessly he bears his horn." - Thus spoke Zarathustra… ; "덕"이란 이리도 곤란한 문제란 말인가?

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Wine… Emulator or Container ?

Mar 16 2011 11:20 pm

와인에서 제대로 돌아가는게 없다. 하긴 무리한 동거를 원하는 건지도 모르겠다.

The name Wine initially was an acronym for WINdows Emulator… Its meaning later shifted to the recursive backronym, "Wine Is Not an Emulator" - from Wikipedia(

Thursday, March 10, 2011

[Scrap] 『서울∙1964년 겨울』, 김승옥

“서대문 근처에서 서울역 쪽으로 가는 전차의 도로리가 내 시야속에서 꼭 다섯 번 파란 불꽃을 튀기는 것을 보았습니다. 그건 오늘 밤 일곱 시 이십 오 분에 거길 지나가는 전차였습니다.” 『서울∙1964년 겨울』, 김승옥
“영보빌딩 안에 있는 변소문의 손잡이 조금 밑에는 2 센티미터 가량의 손톱자국이 있습니다.” 『서울∙1964년 겨울』, 김승옥
"추억이란 그것이 슬픈 것이든지 기쁜 것이든지 그것을 생각하는 사람을 의기양양하게 한다. 슬픈 추억일 때는 고즈너기 의기양양해지고 기쁜 추억일 때는 소란스럽게 의기양양해진다" 『서울∙1964년 겨울』, 김승옥
“안형은 어떤 꿈틀거림을 사랑합니까?” “어떤 꿈틀거림이 아닙니다. 그냥 꿈틀거리는 거죠. 그냥 말입니다. 예를 들면…. 데모도…” 우리의 대화는 또 끊어졌다. 이번엔 침묵이 오래 계속되었다. 『서울∙1964년 겨울』, 김승옥
대체로 사람들은 밤거리를 헤매며 어둠 속에서 삶의 꿈틀거림을 느끼고 그 끈을 잡으려 애쓴다. 가끔은 그 밤의 몸부림이 삶에의 충동이 아니라 그 끈을 놓으려는 꿈틀거림이기도 하고... 『서울∙1964년 겨울』속의 할부서적 외판원의 경우처럼

Saturday, March 05, 2011

Photo Diary_Feb, 2011

201102090901 출근길 버스안의 풍경. 한산하다.

201102091155 Lunch @ 구단지, 과천

201102091921 My empty shuttle bag...

201102091935 Out there... over the window

201102092007 전자담배(e-cigarette); 
일종의 시뮬라크라... 
자연산보단 인공의 감미료에 젖어들듯... 
그러면서 한편으론 자연산을 갈구하는...

201102101344 Power-on to be wired...

201102102039 Sticker... 
my daughter's foot

201102110801 Flows, cuts, (dis)connect... 
Deleuzian pov

201102132011 Lauren @ Ashely...

201102132019 Time's done to...

201102141013 "he laid down himself with boredom"

201102151226 Dinner at Pizza Hut... 
Valentine Day=My Bitrthday

201102150850 The door of my squares

201102150900 Man in the box...

201102150928 Out there... Now, Over the windows

201102151405 Day light... at restaurant.

201102151409 At K-Tower in Gwacheon

201102172257 Full moon in the dark sky...

201102191223 Wallet on the wall... 
My daughter's one

201102192352 Ceramic flower...

201102200645 Early in the morning...

201102210904 서울 촌놈 심천 와서 
눈뜬 봉사되고 벙어리되어 길거리만 헤메다

201102210929 Hanging on the ceiling... 
Kempenski Hotel, Shenzhen

201102210934 Lobby of Kempenski, Shenzhen

201102211146 Chinese cookie...

201102211317 Lunch at Shenzhen office.. KFC spicy burger

201102212134 巴蜀風月(Sichuan Food Restaurant)

201102220826 Wall paper of room

201102220828 Single journey ticket... Shenzhen Metro

201102220903 Out there... over the windows

201102221105 Destination...

201102221108 Avenue of stars... Hong Kong

201102251315 At STARBUCKS Shop

201102271416 Little violin

201102271438 제목: 사자와 바이올린. 

201102281640 In the meeting room... now

201102282114 막걸리... Korean rice wine