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Wednesday, May 09, 2012

Some Quotes...

Apr 17 2012 9:30 pm
"Marcus Aurelius is much closer to me. Not a moment’s hesitation between the lyricism of frenzy and the prose of acceptance: I find more comport, more hope even, in the weary emperor than in the thundering prophet."
#The Trouble With Being Born #에밀 시오랑 #Emil Cioran 

Apr 24 2012 3:39 pm
"Philosophy becomes tortured thinking. Thinking that devours itself, and continues intact and even flourishes, in spite of these repeated acts of self-cannibalism. Or because of them, perhaps? The thinker plays both roles in the passion-play of thought. He is both protagonist and antagonist, both suffering Prometheus and the remorseless eagle who consumes his perpetually regenerated entrails…"
#Susan Sontag 

May 3 2012 1:56 pm
"A fixed destiny weighs on seduction. For religion seduction was a strategy of the devil, whether in the guise of witchcraft or love…"
#Baudrillard #Seduction #악마의 유혹

May 3 2012 10:19 pm
쾌락을 그 쾌락을 주는 대상과 공유해야 할 필요성은 없다…
사디스트에게는 상대를 확신시키거나 설득시킨다는 것„,은 이치에 맞지 않는 일이다. 그의 실제 관심은 전혀 다른데 있다. 그는 추론 자체도 일종의 폭력이며, 아무리 냉철하고 논리적인 것처럼 보여도 결국 자신은 폭력의 편에 서 있을 뿐이라는 것을 증명하고자 하는 것이다.
#마조히즘 #Masochism

May 9 2012 10:24 pm
중세 사람들은 악마와의 상거래를 대단히 통찰력 있게 두 가지 유형으로 분류해 놓았다. 첫번째는 소유에 의한 것이고 두번째는 제휴(계약)에 의한 것이다…

The middle ages distinguished with considerable insight between two types of commerce with the devil ; the first resulted from possession, the second from a pact of alliance…

May 9 2012 10:42 pm
The words of Mephistopheles to Faust ; “Thou sensual, super-sensual libertine, a little girl can lead thee by the nose…"
The naked body of a woman„, can only be contemplated in a mystical frame of mind, as is the case in 『Venus in Furs』

여성의 나체는 『모피를 입은 비너스』에서와 같이 신비주의적인 정신의 틀안에서만 기대할 수 있다?!
#모피를 입은 비너스 #Venus in Furs #Mephistopheles #Faust #파우스트 

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