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Wednesday, June 27, 2012

[Scrap] Deleuze

Your binary and overcoding machines? we are not simply divided up by binary machines of class, sex, or age: there are others which we constantly shift, invent without realizing it.

What are your lines of flight, where the fluxes are combined, where the thresholds reach a point of adjacence and rupture?

Are they still tolerable, or are they already caught up in a machine of destruction and self- destruction which would reconstitute a molar fascism?

The question "how is it that desire can desire its own repression?" does not give rise to real theoretical difficulty, but to many practical difficulties each time.

There is desire as soon as there is a machine or "body without organs." but there are bodies without organs like hardened empty envelopes,

Because their organic components have been blown up too quickly and too violently, an "overdose."

There are bodies without organs which are cancerous and fascist, in black holes or machines of abolition.

How can desire outmaneuver all that by managing its plane of immanence and of consistence which each time runs up against these dangers?

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