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Tuesday, August 30, 2016

Tweet Archives_지젝(Zizek, Slavoj Žižek) 관련 파편들(III),,,

Zizek says ; The triad of “Spinoza-Kant-Hegel” does encompass the whole of Philosophy. This triad can be... 11:21 PM - 13 Jan 2012

Hegelian, Deleuzian, Lacanian.... and Zizekian? 8:55 AM - 13 Jan 2012

Deleuze; Schizo-arnachist... by Zizek's definition ! 5:49 PM - 16 Jan 2012

"If one does not repeat an author, but merely 'criticizes' him... this means that one unknowingly remains within his horizon" - Zizek 5:40 PM - 25 Nov 2011

"One can only truly betray an author by way of repeating him, by way of remaining faithful to the core of his thought..." - Zizek 5:36 PM - 25 Nov 2011

Zizek asked "Can time be the image of Eternity?..." 4:49 PM - 25 Nov 2011

Slavoj Zizek ; a lone wolf ? may be or not... RT @mosabou: In defence of Slavoj Žižek, from Necessary Agitation 10:21 PM - 3 Jan 2011

"The concept of quasi-cause is that which prevents a regression into simple reductionism: it designates the pure agency of..." Slavoj Žižek 8:44 AM - 15 Dec 2011

"Deleuze's notion of the VIRTUAL is a radical one in that its ultimate reference is becoming without being... a becoming-it-self" - Žižek 4:14 PM - 25 Nov 2011

#Zizek said; Religion only arrives at its truth through its self-cancellation.Long before #Feuerbach said; Atheism is the secret of religion 11:41 AM - 8 Apr 2010

it seems easier to imagine the 'end of the world' than to considers possible alternatives to capitalism - Slavoj #zizek 2:45 PM - 20 Jul 2010

What we call "reality" implies the surplus of a fantasy space filling out the "black hole" of the real - Slavoj #Zizek 1:13 AM - 10 Jul 2010

Watched "Slavoj Žižek documentary Living in the End Times" thanks to @michaeloburns for good info. 1:17 AM - 14 Aug 2010

Ryan Burns @_RyanBurns  A critique of structuralism in my very own toilet! Anyone got #Zizek's phone number? 8:11 PM - 3 Jan 2012
@_RyanBurns Only God knows... #Zizek receives a phonecall only from God :)) 6:06 PM - 6 Jan 2012

“@bigsagacity: "I am a Hegelian looking for facts to fit the theory." Zizek”; Most people do that way... justifying by utilizing facts 9:54 PM - 16 Jul 2011

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