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Wednesday, September 25, 2013

[Scrap] Gloomy sunday

글루미 썬데이(Gloomy Sunday) 노래를 무한반복으로 듣다가,,, 
문득, 영화가 다시 보고 싶어 유투브를 검색, 영화를 다시 보았다.

옛전에 처음 영화를 보았을 때의 아련한 기억과 
영화에서 흘러나오던 노래에 취한 추억을 배경으로 다시 보았는데,
처음의 감동은 아니지만,,, 그래도 좋았다.

"With a last breath I return to my home,
safe in the land of shadows I roam..."

딱, 내 심정과 맞는 구절...
아래는 Gloomy Sunday 노래와 대충 맞춘 화면 캡쳐들
긴장된 상황을 모면하고자 
안드리아스(Andras)에게 피아노를 연주해 달라며 
노래를 부르는 일료나(Ilona)가 부르는 노래...

Gloomy Sunday...

Gloomy Sunday, Not long until evening... 

in dark shadows, my loneliness grieving,,,

eyes closed and before me you go 
but you sleep and I wait for (to)morrow

I see figures and send you this plea;

tell the angels to leave for me gloomy Sunday,,, 
so many Sundays alone in the shadows

I will go with night wherever it goes

eyes glisten as candles burn bright

weep not, friends, my burden is light

with a last breath I return to my home,
safe in the land of shadows I roam... 

Gloomy Sunday.,,,
독일어 원곡을 구글 번역으로 돌려보니,,, 대충 아래와 같이 나온다.

[Das Lied vom traurigen Sonntag]

Trauriger Sonntag
Dein Abend ist nicht mehr weit
Mit schwarzen Schatten teil´ ich meine Einsamkeit
Schließ ich die Augen, dann seh ich sie hundertfach
Ich kann nicht schlafen und sie werden nie mehr wach
Ich seh Gestalten ziehn im Zigarettenrauch
Lasst mich nicht hier, sagt Engeln ich komme auch
Trauriger Sonntag
Einsame Sonntage hab ich zuviel verbracht
Heut mach ich mich auf den Weg in die lange Nacht
Bald brennen Kerzen und Rauch macht die Augen feucht
Weint doch nicht Freunde endlich fühl ich mich leicht
Der letzte Atmenzug bringt mich für immer heim
Im Reich der Schatten da werd ich geborgen sein
Trauriger Sonntag

Google translation; 

Gloomy Sunday
Your evening is not far
With black shadows part I my loneliness
I close my eyes, then I see it a hundred times
I can not sleep and they will never awake
I see shapes draw in cigarette smoke
Do not leave me here, I'm also says angels
Gloomy Sunday
Lonely Sundays I've spent too much
Today I make my way into the long night
Soon burn candles and smoke makes your eyes moist
Weep not friends finally I feel slightly
The last Atmenzug brings me home forever
In the realm of shadows I'll be safe
Gloomy Sunday
독일 나찌의 헝가리 점령후 
라즐로(Lazlo)가 안드라스(Andras)의 죽음(자살) 의 의미를 이야기 하는 부분.

"I think I just understood the message "Gloomy Sunday"
I think the song says every person has his dignity...
We get hurt, We get insulted.
And we can stand it as long as 
we can hang on to a last shred of dignity"
(나찌 치하의 헝가리 유대인의) 인간으로서의 존엄, 자존심에 대한 이야기,,,

그리고 어찌보면 "희망"이라,,,
부질없는 것에 대한 찬사.

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