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Friday, January 13, 2012

쓰잘데기 없는 지적 호기심,,,

라이프니쯔의 단자그리고 신적 총체성(Divine totality)... - SNS.. A digital Narcissus instead of a triangular Oedipus?;...

주체와 객체의 간극관찰자의 시선 혹은 응시(凝視).. - “Wittgenstein’s wellknown Tractatus metaphor on the eye that can never be...

With God, with Christ suffering on the cross... - “The split of God himself, in the guise of the split...

desiring machines :: everything is libidinal investment, everything is desire?; State, bureaucracy, fascism, capitalism, even Subject...

Sex as dark content of sexuality?

Hegelian, Deleuzian, Lacanian.... and Zizekian?

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