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Friday, January 20, 2012

[Scrap] Zizek's works & words...

Nov 25 2011 11:22 am
"Plato’s Dialogue.. the greatest irony in the history of philosophy, since his dialogues never involve a symmetrical exchange of arguments. In the history of philosophy were so many cases of misunderstanding… precisely when one philosopher exerted a key influence upon another, this influence was without exception grounded in a productive misreading…"
 - Slavoj Žižek, [Organs Without Bodies : On Deleuze and consequences]

Nov 25 2011 5:47 pm
[Scrap] Deleuze’s notion of Becoming and Repetition ; 
The ontological opposition between Being & Becoming that underpins Deleuze’s notion of the virtual is a radical one in that its ultimate reference is becoming without being(as opposed to the metaphysical notion of pure Being without becoming)… a becoming-it-self, thoroughly extracted from its corporeal base…  Becoming is strictly correlative to the concept of REPETITION : Deleuzian paradox is that something truly NEW can only emerge through repetition. What repetition repeats is not the way the past “effectively was" but the virtuality inherent to the past and betrayed by its past actualization. In the precise sense, the emergence of the NEW changes the past itself, that is, it retroactively changes not the actual past but the balance between actuality and virtuality in the past.
 - Slavoj Žižek, [Organs Without Bodies : On Deleuze and consequences]

Nov 28 2011 6:55 pm
"Deleuze & Guattari’s reading of Kafka’s universe of the Absence of the unaccessible and elusive transcendent Center(Castle, Court, God) as the Presence of multiple passages and transformations…"
 - Slavoj Žižek, [Organs Without Bodies : On Deleuze and consequences]

Dec 6 2011 7:58 pm
[Scrap]  The eternal recurrence…
The emergence of the New as repetition. All that happens is just the passage from In-itself to For-itself. The truly New is not simply a new content but the very shift of perspective by means of which the Old appears in a new light.
 - [Becoming versus History], Slavoj Zizek

Jan 12 2012 1:08 pm
With God, with Christ suffering on the cross…
"The split of God himself, in the guise of the split between God-the-father and Christ ; in the figure of Christ dying on the cross, God himself turns into an atheist, experiencing himself as abandoned by God-the-father…."

Jan 13 2012 11:07 pm
Extracted OwB ::… like the smile in Alice in Wonderland that persist alone, even when the Cheshire cat’s body is no longer present?
‘All right’, said the Cat; and this time it vanished quite slowly, beginning with the end of the tail, and ending with the grin, which remained some time after the rest of it had gone.
‘Well! I’ve often seen a cat without grin.’ thought Alice; ‘but a grin without a cat! It’s the most curious thing I ever saw in my life!’
- Slavoj Zizek, Organs without Bodies

Jan 13 2012 11:21 pm
Zizek says ; The triad of “Spinoza-Kant-Hegel" does encompass the whole of Philosophy. This triad can be extended as Paganism-Judaism-Christianity or Deleuze-Derrida-Lacan… and more !!

Jan 16 2012 12:47 pm
도대체 어쩌라고 헤겔 아저씨?
The tension between immanence and transcendence; “Transcendence" is the illusory reflection of the fact that the immanence of phenomena is ruptured, broken, inconsisitent…
OR exactly speaking, it is not that phenomena are broken, that we have multiple partial perspectives, because the transcendent Thing eludes our grasp…

Jan 16 2012 12:51 pm
신/절대정신의 자위행위…이종교배 되지 않는 “무성생식”의 자서전(自敍傳)„,
Hegel is the greatest and unique self-buggerer in the history of philosophy.
Hegel’s dialectical method… is the one of permanent self-buggerring… agamogenesis.

Jan 16 2012 5:52 pm
지젝(Zizek)이 보는 들뢰즈 ;
In deleuze, Life is still answer to “Why is there Something and Not Nothing?" whereas Badiou’s answer is a more sober one, closer to Buddhism and Hegel : there IS only Nothing, and all processes take place “from Nothing thru Nothing to Nothing", as Hegel put it.

Jan 16 2012 5:56 pm
신(神)만이 절대악(惡)이 될 수 있다
Kant claims that “diabolic evil" cannot actually occur. It is impossible for a human being to elevate evil itself into a universal ethical norm ;
Only God can be a Diabolic Evil.

Jan 20 2012 6:15 pm
"The only good God is a dead God"
"…The ultimate aim of theology is to mortify god, to keep him at a proper distance, to prevent him getting too close to us and thus turning into a voracious monster…"

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