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Thursday, July 29, 2010

The future is google-able ??

윌리엄 깁슨(William Gibson)이 2004년에 다음과 같이 말을 했다고 한다.

“The future is not google-able" 
- Talk at A Clean Well-Lighted Place for Books, San Francisco, CA, February 5, 2004

언뜻 보기에는 쉬운듯 하면서도 어렵고도 어려운 화두(話頭)이다 ; 미래’의 문제는 구글의 영역이 아니라는 언명?

Google search에서 무엇이든 원하는 것을 Key-in 하고 Enter를 누르면 답을 찾을 수 있는 e-nabled 된 세상임에도 - 물론 내가 원하는 정보와 답을 찾기 위해 다수의 Scroll과 Click 은 최소한의 예의?

그런데 위리엄 깁슨의 말에 반박이라도 하듯 구글(Google)에서 “Future Search”라는 것을 발표하였다.

Search tomorrow’s web, today! Google Australia has introduced a new feature, enabling you to search content on the internet before it is created. 

Google Launches Future Search
by Michael Arrington on March 31, 2008 

Google Australia launched Gday today, a new search engine that allows users to search a day in advance of real time:

The core technology that powers gDay™ is MATE™ (Machine Automated Temporal Extrapolation).

Using MATE’s™ machine learning and artificial intelligence techniques developed in Google’s Sydney offices, we can construct elements of the future.

Google spiders crawl publicly available web information and our index of historic, cached web content. Using a mashup of numerous factors such as recurrence plots, fuzzy measure analysis, online betting odds and the weather forecast from the iGoogle weather gadget, we can create a sophisticated model of what the internet will look like 24 hours from now.

We can use this technique to predict almost anything on the web – tomorrow’s share price movements, sports results or news events. Plus, using language regression analysis, Google can even predict the actual wording of blogs and newspaper columns, 24 hours before they’re written! 

To rank these future pages in order of relevance, gDay™ uses a statistical extrapolation of a page’s future PageRank, called SageRank.

gDay™ and MATE™ were developed in Google’s Sydney R&D centre.

뭔가 이건 ??  구글의 Future Search를 통해 내일의 주식시세, 스포츠 경기의 결과, 더 나아가 내 블로그에 올릴 포스트와 신문기사의 내용까지 알아낼 수 있다니…

구글(Google)의 깜찍한 개그로 받아들여야 하나 아니면 진짜로 “The future is google-able”의 세상이 온 것인가?

>>> 헐~ 만우절 농담... 사악(?)한 구글...

2008-11-29 02:44:53

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