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Friday, April 09, 2010

[Scrap] Slavoj ŽiŽek Archive

Slavoj ŽiŽek Archive

Green Berets with a Human Face
- London Review of Books (Mar. 23)
Return of the Natives
- New Statesman (Mar. 4)

Slavoj Zizek on BBC's Culture Show - BBC (vidly) (Jan. 28)

Appendix: Multiculturalism, the Reality of an Illusion
- (December)

A Revolution ne s'autorise que d'elle même - (December)
Denial: the Liberal Utopia - (December)
Post-Wall - London Review of Books (Nov. 19)
Humanism is Not Enough - An Interview with Slavoj Zizek - M. Hauser International Journal of Zizek Studies (Nov. 14)
20 Years of Collapse - The New York Times (Nov. 9)
Hollywood Today: Report from an Ideological Frontline - (Oct. 17)
Slovenian Philosopher Slavoj Zizek on Capitalism, Healthcare, Latin American "Populism" and the "Farcical" Financial Crisis - Democracy Now (Oct. 15)
Making the Illegal Legal - In These Times (Sep. 14)
The Palestinian Question: The Couple Symptom / Fetish - (September)
Quiet slicing of the West Bank makes abstract prayers for peace obscene - The Guardian (Aug. 18)
Berlusconi in Tehran - London Review of Books (Jul. 23)
Iran on the Brink - In These Times (Jul. 13)
A Short Clarification - International Journal of Zizek Studies (May 27)
My Own Private Austria - The Symptom 10 (Spring)
Architectural Parallax: Spandrels and Other Phenomena of Class Struggle - (April)
A Plea for a Return to Différance (with a Minor Pro Domo Sua) - (April)
Excursions into Philosophy: "Father, forgive them, for they know what they are doing" - (April)
Legal Luck - International Journal of Zizek Studies (Mar. 3)
Disputations: Who Are You Calling Anti-Semitic? - The New Republic (Jan. 7)
Beckett with Lacan - Part 1 - (January)
Beckett with Lacan - Part 2 - (January)
Zizek: A (Very) Critical Introduction (Interventions)
- Marcus Pound, Slavoj Zizek (Afterword) / Wm. B. Eerdmans (Nov. 15)
Use Your Illusions
- London Review of Books (Nov. 14)

Don′t Just Do Something, Talk
- London Review of Books (Oct. 9)

Masturbation, or Sexuality in the Atonal World
- (Oct. 8)

Slavoj Zizek on Violence - Authors@Google (Oct. 3)
Slavoj Zizek: What is the Question? - Slavoj Zizek, Christopher Lydon / Open Source Radio (Sep. 23)
A Debate Instigated by Paul Holdengräber Violence & the Left in Dark Times - Bernard-Henri Lévy, Slavoj Zizek / New York Public Library (Sep. 16)
The Audacity of Rhetoric
- In These Times (Sep. 2)

Organs without Bodies - Gilles Deleuze (full version)
- (Aug. 24)

The Lacanian Real Television
- The Symptom 9
(Aug. 11)
Q&A Slavoj Zizek, professor and writer
- Rosanna Greenstreet / The Guardian
(Aug. 9)
Violence: Big Ideas/Small Books
- Slavoj Zizek / Picador (Jul. 22)
The Ambiguous Legacy of '68
- In These Times
(Jun. 20)
Who Are the Good Guys?
- International Herald Tribune
(May 30)
Zizek on the Iraq War, the Bush Presidency, the War on Terror & More - Slavoj Zizek, Amy Goodman / Democracy Now (May 12)
"Everybody in the World Except US Citizens Should Be Allowed to Vote and Elect ..." - Zizek, Goodman / Democracy Now (May 11)
Tibet: Dream and Reality
- Le Monde diplomatique
Letters - No Shangri-La
- London Review of Books (Apr. 24)

How to Read Lacan (entire book)
- (April)

Ideology I: No Man is an Island...
- (March)

When Straight Means Weird and Psychosis Is Normal
- (March)

Letters - Resistance Is Surrender
- London Review of Books (Jan. 24)

For They Know Not What They Do: Enjoyment as a Political Factor (Radical Thinkers)
- Slavoj Zizek / Verso (Jan. 1)
In Defense of Lost Causes
- Slavoj Zizek / Verso (Jan. 1)

멟de to Joy,� Followed by Chaos and Despair
- The New York Times (Dec. 24)
China뭩 Valley of Tears
- In These Times (Dec. 3)
The Disturbing Sounds of the Turkish March
- In These Times (Nov. 6)
Resistance Is Surrender
- London Review of Books (Nov. 15)
The Disturbing Sounds of the Turkish March
- In These Times (Nov. 6)
Turkey Is a Thorn in the Side of a Cosy Western Consensus
- Guardian Unlimited (Oct. 23)
Why Heidegger Made the Right Step in 1933
- International Journal of Zizek Studies (Oct. 21)
How China Got Religion
- The New York Times (Oct. 11)
How China Got Religion: In Pursuit of Social Harmony
- International Herald Tribune (Oct. 11)
On Alain Badiou and Logiques des mondes
- (September)
Troubles with the Real: Lacan as a Viewer of Alien
- (September)
- (September)
Gorgias, Not Plato Was the Archi-Stalinist
- (September)
Shostakovich in Casablanca
- (September)
The Ideology of the Empire and its Traps
- (September)
The Dreams of Others
- In These Times (May 18)
The True Hollywood Left
- (May)
Deleuze's Platonism: Ideas as Real
- (May)
Deleuze and the Lacanian Real
- (May)

Lacanian Ink 29 - Otherness
- Slavoj Zizek, Alain Badiou, Josefina Ayerza, Jacques-Alain Miller / The Wooster Press (Apr. 25)
Knight of the Living Dead
- The New York Times (Mar. 24)
Why Only an Atheist Can Believe: Politics on the Edge of Fear and Trembling - International Journal of Zizek Studies (Feb. 4)

How to Read Lacan
- Slavoj Zizek, Simon Critchley / W. W. Norton (Jan. 29)
In You More Than Yourself
- In These Times (Jan. 26)

The Indivisible Remainder: On Schelling and Related Matters (Radical Thinkers)
- Slavoj Zizek / Verso (Jan. 19)
The Pervert's Guide to Cinema 1, 2, 3. - Directed by Sophie Fiennes, presented by Slavoj Zizek (Jan. 8)
Denying the Facts, Finding the Truth
- New York Times (Jan. 5)

Mao Zedong: The Marxist Lord of Misrule
- (Jan.)
Robespierre or the "Divine Violence" of Terror
- (Jan.)
Mel Gibson at the Serbsky Institute
- The Symptom 8 (Winter)
Is this Digital Democracy, or a New Tyranny of Cyberspace?
- The Guardian (Dec. 30)
Against the Populist Temptation
- (Dec.)
Can One Really Tolerate a Neighbor? (Parts I through IV) - Tilton Gallery, NYC - (Nov.)

Lacanian Ink 28 - Profane Illuminations
- Slavoj Zizek, Alain Badiou / The Wooster Press (Nov. 6)
On 9/11, New Yorkers Faced the Fire in the Minds of Men
- The Guardian (Sept. 11)
Let's be Realists, Let's Demand the Impossible!
- In These Times (Aug. 30)
Let Jerusalem Go
- London Review of Books (Aug. 10)
- Slavoj Zizek, Astra Taylor (Director) / Zeitgeist Films (Jul. 25)
Freud Lives!
- London Review of Books (May 25)
Lacanian Ink 27 - The Names-of-the-Father
- Slavoj Zizek, Alain Badiou / The Wooster Press (May 18)
The Parallax View (III)
- (May)
The Parallax View (II)
- (May)
The Parallax View (I)
- (May)
Lacan: The Silent Partners
- Slavoj Zizek (Editor) / The MIT Press (Apr. 15)
The Liberal Communists of Porto Davos
- In These Times (Apr. 11)
Nobody Has to Be Vile
- London Review of Books (Apr. 1)
Hegel - Chesterton: German Idealism and Christianity
- The Symptom 7 (Sping)
Play Fuckin' Loud: Zizek Versus the Left
- Rex Butler, Scott Stephens / The Symptom 7 (Sping)
Defenders of the Faith
- The New York Times (Mar. 12)
A Glance into the Archives of Islam
- (March)
The Antinomies of Tolerant Reason: A Blood-Dimmed Tide is Loosed
- (March)
Arriesgar Lo Imposible - Conveersaciones Con Glyn Daly
- Slavoj Zizek / Trotta (Mar)
The Parallax View (Short Circuits)
- Slavoj Zizek / The MIT Press (Feb. 17)
The Neighbor: Three Inquiries in Political Theology
- Slavoj Zizek, Eric Santner, Kenneth Reinhard / University Of Chicago Press (Feb. 14)
Jack Bauer and the Ethics of Urgency
- In These Times (Jan. 27)
The Metastases of Enjoyment: On Women and Causality
- Slavoj Zizek / Verso (Jan. 11)
The Depraved Heroes of 24 Are the Himmlers of Hollywood
- The Guardian (Jan. 10)
Smashing the Neighbor's Face
Reloaded Revolutions
Biopolitics: Between Terri Schiavo and Guantanamo
- Artforum ( (Dec.)
Iraq: The Borrowed Kettle
- Slavoj Zizek / Verso (Nov. 28)
Some Politically Incorrect Reflections on Violence in France & Related Matters
- 23)
Lacanian Ink 26 - Anxiety
- Slavoj Zizek, Jacques-Alain Miller / The Wooster Press (Oct. 31)
The Subject Supposed to Loot and Rape
- In These Times (Oct. 20)
Interrogation Machine : Laibach and NSK (Short Circuits)
- Alexei Monroe, Slavoj Zizek / The MIT Press (Sep. 15)
Objet a
as Inherent Limit to Capitalism: on Michael Hardt and Antonio Negri
- (Fall)
The Obscenity of Human Rights: Violence as Symptom
- (Fall)
Move the Underground! - What's Wrong with Fundamentalism? II
- (Fall)
With or Without Passion - What's Wrong with Fundamentalism? I
- (Fall)
The Universal Exception
- Slavoj Zizek / Continuum Int'l Publishing Group (Sep. 1)
Lenin Shot at Finland Station
- London Review of Books (Aug. 18)
Give Iranian Nukes a Chance
- In These Times (Aug. 11)
Interrogating the Real
- Slavoj Zizek, R. Butler, S. Stephens / Continuum Int'l Publishing Group (Jul. 1)
Thanks, But We'll Do It Ourselves
- In These Times (Jun. 19)
The Constitution Is Dead. Long Live Proper Politics
- The Guardian (Jun. 4)
Revenge of Global Finance
- In These Times (May 21)
The Pope's Failures
- In These Times (Apr. 8)
The Two Totalitarianisms
- London Review of Books (Mar. 17)
El Titere y El Enano
- Slavoj Zizek / Ediciones Paidos Iberica (Mar.)
Where To Look For a Revolutionary Potential
- Adbusters (Mar./Apr.)
The Act and Its Vicissitudes
- The Symptom (6) (Spring)
The Empty Wheelbarrow
- The Guardian (Feb. 19)
The Not-So-Quiet American
- In These Times (Feb. 14)

The Politics Of Aesthetics
- Jacques Ranciere, Slavoj Zizek / Continuum Int'l (Dec. 30)
Hooray for Bush!
- London Review of Books (Dec. 2)
La Revolucion Blanda
- Slavoj Zizek / Editorial Atuel (Dec)
Le nouveau philosophe: Entretien avec Slavoj Zizek
- Le Nouvel Observateur (Nov. 11)
The Liberal Waterloo (Or, fianlly some good news from Washington)
- In These Times (Nov. 5)
The Free World ... of Slums
- In These Times (Sep. 23)
Somewhere Over the Rainbow
- Melbourne School of Continental Philosophy (Sep. 17)
Knee Deep
- London Review of Books (Sep. 2)
Umbr(a): War
- Joan Copjec, Ernesto Laclau, Slavoj Zizek / Center for the Study of Psychoanalysis and Culture (Aug.)
Iraq: The Borrowed Kettle
- Slavoj Zizek / Verso (Jul. 15)
Between Two Deaths: The Culture of Torture
- 16beaver (Jun. 26)
Revolution at the Gates: Zizek on Lenin, the 1917 Writings
- Slavoj Zizek (Intro.), V. I. Lenin / Verso (Jun.)
Bring me my Philips Mental Jacket
- London Review of Books (May 22)
What Rumsfeld Doesn't Know That He Knows About Abu Ghraib
- In These Times (May 21)
What Lies Beneath
- The Guardian (May 1)
What Does Europe Want?
- In These Times (May 1)
A Proposito de Lenin
- Slavoj Zizek / Editorial Atuel (Apr.)
On Divine Self-Limitation and Revolutionary Love
- Joshua Delpech-Remey / Journal of Philosophy & Scripture (Spring)
Passion: Regular or Decaf?
- In These Times (Feb. 27)
What Is To Be Done (With Lenin)?
- In These Times (Jan. 21)
Iraq's False Promises
- Foreign Policy ( (Jan./Feb.)
Passion In The Era of Decaffeinated Belief
- The Symptom (5) (Winter)
Christians, Jews and Other Criminals: A Critique of Jean-Claude Milner
Will She Ever Die
A Cup of Decaf Reality
Slavoj Zizek: Death's Merciless Love
Excerpts from a talk for the Marxism and World Stage Conference
- (go to Dec. 22 link)
Henning Mankell, the Artist of the Parallax View
- (first published in London Review of Books) (Nov. 20)
The Iraqi MacGuffin
- (Nov. 4)
Homo Sacer
As the Object of the Discourse of the University
- (Sep. 25)
Heiner Mueller Out of Joint
- (Sep. 25)
Learning to Love Leni Riefenstahl
- In These Times (Sep. 10)
Will You Laugh for Me, Please?
- In These Times (Jul. 18)
Ideology Reloaded
- In These Times (Jun. 6)
How Much Democracy Is Too Much?
- In These Times (May 19)
The Marx Brother: How a Philosopher From Slovenia Became an International Super Star
- New Yorker ( (May 15)
An Interview With Slavoj Zizek
- Doug Henwood / Left Business Observer (Apr. 17)
Too Much Democracy
- (Apr. 14)
Today, Iraq. Tomorrow ... Democracy?
- In These Times (Mar. 18)
The Iraq War: Where is the True Danger
- (Mar. 13)
In His Bold Gaze My Ruin Is Writ Large
- The Symptom (4) (Spring)
Catastrophes Real and Imagined
- In These Times (Feb. 28)
Gerhard Schroeder's Minority Report and Its Consequences
- Frankfurter Rundschau (EGS) (Jan.)
The Ongoing "Soft Revolution"
- Critical Inquiry (Winter, Vol. 30, no. 2)

The Interpassive Subject
- The Symptom (3) (Autumn)
Seize the Day: Lenin's Legacy
- London Review of Books (EGS) (Jul. 25)
A Cyberspace Lenin: Why Not?
- International Socialism Journal (Issue 95, Summer)
Are we in a war? Do we have an enemy?
- London Review of Books (May 23)
Welcome to the Desert of the Real
- The Symptom (2) (Spring)
I am a Fighting Atheist: Interview with Slavoj Zizek
- Doug Henwood / Bad Subjects (Feb.)
(Excerpt from) Mourning, Melancholy, and the Act
- Critical Inquiry (Summer, Vol. 26, no. 4)
The Fragile Absolute: Or, Why the Christian Legacy is Worth Fighting For
- Verso (hardcover) (Apr.)
Why We All Love To Hate Haider
- New left Review (Mar./Apr.)

The Matrix, the Two Sides of Perversion
- Philosophy Today; Celina (nettime) (Dec., Vol. 43)
When the Party Commits Suicide
- New left Review ( (Nov./Dec.)
Attempts to Escape the Logic of Capitalism
- London Review of Books (Oct. 28)
'You May!'
- London Review of Books (Mar. 18)
Against the Double Blackmail
The Thing from Inner Space
- ArtMargins
(Excerpt from) A leftist Plea for 'Eurocentrism'
- Critical Inquiry (Summer, Vol. 24, no. 4)
Hysteria and Cyberspace
- Ulrich Gutmair, Chris Flor / Telepolis (Jul. 10)
Psychoanalysis in Post-Marxism: The Case of Alain Badiou

For a leftist Appropriation of the European Legacy
- Journal of Political Ideologies ( (Feb.)
The Spectre is Still Roaming Around!
- Arkzin: Zagreb (EGS)
"The Big Other Doesn't Exist"
- Psychomedia (Spring/Fall)
From Joyce-the-Symptom...
- Lacanian Ink 11 (April)
Desire: Drive = Truth: Knowledge
- Umbr(a), pp. 147-52.

Woman is one of the Names-of-the-Father, or how Not to misread Lacan's formulas of sexuation
- Lacanian ink 10 ( (Fall)
Reflections of Media and Politic and Cinema
- Geert Loving / Inter Communication (no. 14)

Ethnic Dance Macabre
- The Guardian Manchester (EGS) (Aug. 28)
Hidden Prohibitions and the Pleasure Principle
- Josefina Ayerza / Falsh Art (EGS) (Mar./Apr.)

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