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Tuesday, August 10, 2010

과거의 잔재를 찾아서... nomadic_crow (XX)

The Birth of Tao
by nomadic_crow  @alt.cyberpunk 1998년5월24일, 오후4시00분

Confucius says, 
"My Tao is to penetrate the Universe with ONE principle"; that is 
Perfect virtue. 

Also says THE SYSTEM, 
"My Tao is to organize the Universe with BINARY"; that is 0 & 1. 
This Holy Copyright all reserved to THE SYSTEM. 

Ca5e  1998년5월25일, 오후4시00분

>Confucius says, 
>"My Tao is to penetrate the Universe with ONE principle"; that is 
>Perfect virtue. 

I didn't realize Confucius was a Taoist 
        "You don't get much of a tip? Big deal." 
              Neal Stephenson, Snow Crash 


Matthew Devney   1998년5월26일, 오후4시00분

Ca5e wrote: 
> >Confucius says, 
> >"My Tao is to penetrate the Universe with ONE principle"; that is 
> >Perfect virtue. 
> I didn't realize Confucius was a Taoist 

Oddly enough, I believe he was a Confucian. 
Matthew Devney 
Sales Engineer 
Mirror Image Internet, Inc. 

nomadic-crow  1998년5월27일, 오후4시00분

On Tue, 26 May 1998 11:12:24 -0400, Matthew Devney 
>Ca5e wrote: 
>> I didn't realize Confucius was a Taoist 
>Oddly enough, I believe he was a Confucian. 

No doubt, Confucius is the originator of Confucism. But 'Tao' doesn't solely belong to Taoism and it's origiantors   ; Laotzu and Chuangtzu. In old days in Oriental, especially in China, Korea and Japan, all of the philosophers and scholars said about Tao. Also you  can speak of your own Tao...   : - ) 

Paul D. Lanier   1998년5월27일, 오후4시00분

On Sun, 24 May 1998, nomadic-crow wrote: 
> Confucius says, 
> "My Tao is to penetrate the Universe with ONE principle"; that is 
> Perfect virtue. 
> Also says THE SYSTEM, 
> "My Tao is to organize the Universe with BINARY"; that is 0 & 1. 
> This Holy Copyright all reserved to THE SYSTEM. 

Indeed, Confucious and The System are fighting to create the New Tao... Lao Tzu went deeper perhaps, "The tao that can be told  is not the eternal Tao.  The name that can be named  is not the eternal Name.  The unnamable is the eteranlly real.  Naming is the origin  of all particular things.  Free from desire, you realize the mystery.  Caught in desire, you see only the manifestations.  Yet mystery and manifestations  arise from the same source.  This source is called darkness.   Darkness within darkness.  The gateway to all understanding." (Tao Te Ching, stanza 1) 

Not that I personally agree with everything Lao Tzu said. (I've put forth before some disagreements with his philosophy;  but that's at present neither here nor there.) 

A curt reply from Lao Tzu _might_ have been: The ultimate Tao is impenetrable, and the true organization is not organized. From the One comes the Two, From the Two comes the Three, And from the Three the Many, but the Tao is before and beyond the One. Shalom and Agape, 
Paul Lanier 

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